Organization: American University in Cairo
Registration deadline: 15 Dec 2016
Starting date: 05 Feb 2017
Ending date: 09 Feb 2017
Displaced by Armed Conflict: Protection Under International Law (February 5 - 9, 2017)
This course provided an introduction to the international legal framework protecting those displaced by armed conflict. It is useful to postgraduate students and those working in international, national and nongovernmental organizations that engage with internationally displaced persons, particularly those working with situations of mass displacement. Through lectures, case studies and discussions, this one-week intensive course introduced the different areas of international law that govern conflict-induced displacement. Questions explored included: How does international humanitarian law, especially the four Geneva Conventions and their Protocols, protect displaced peoples? How does international humanitarian law intersect with international refugee law and international human rights law? What are temporary or complementary protection regimes? What are the protection gaps faced by those displaced by armed conflict? How have states and international organizations such as UNHCR and ICRC adapted to manage these gaps? These questions will be explored through case studies from the Arab region, including displacement from Palestine, Iraq and Syria.
About the Instructors:Jasmine Moussa (PhD, LLM, LLB, MA, BA) has taught Public International Law, the Law of Armed Conflict and the Use of Force, and Gender, Law and Religion at the American University in Cairo and Supervised International Law at Magdalene College and St. Edmund’s College, at the University of Cambridge, where she obtained her PhD in Law. Her research interests and publications span a wide range of public international law topics, including statehood and recognition, treaty interpretation, the law of state succession, the law of non-navigational uses of international watercourses and the relationship between jus ad bellum and jus in bello. She is interested in investigating the relationship and gaps between theory and practice in the above-mentioned areas, and her work has been published in the International and Comparative Law Quarterly, the International Review of the Red Cross, the British Yearbook of International Law, the Yearbook of International Environmental Law, the Palestine Yearbook of International Law (forthcoming) and the Cambridge Journal of International and Comparative Law, of which she served as Editor-in-Chief in 2012-2013. She has also contributed to a number of edited volumes, and is the author of the book, Competing Fundamentalisms and Egyptian Women’s Family Rights (Martinus Nijhoff, 2011). Her forthcoming book explores the application of the law of treaties, the law of state succession and the law of non-navigational uses of international watercourses in the context of the Nile Basin dispute (forthcoming, Cambridge University Press). She has considerable policy experience, having worked at Egypt’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the League of Arab States. She has also provided legal advice to a number of international non-governmental organisations.
Usha Natarajan (PhD, MA, LLB, BA) is Associate Director of the Center for Migration and Refugee Studies and Assistant Professor of Law at The American University in Cairo. Her research and publications are multidisciplinary, utilizing third world and postcolonial approaches to international law to provide an interrelated understanding of the relationship between international law and issues of development, migration, environment and conflict. Professor Natarajan explores the interplay of these issues globally and in the Arab region, with a particular focus on Iraq as well as the ongoing Arab uprisings. She has worked with various international organizations including UNDP, UNESCO, and the World Bank on law reform initiatives in Asia, including Indonesia during its democratic transition and in post-independence Timor-Leste.
How to register:
Eligibility for all courses:
Requirements: These courses are offered for undergraduate and postgraduate students, and researchers as well as practitioners working with migrants and refugees. A minimum knowledge of displacement and migration terminologies and context is a requirement for participation in any of the four courses.
All courses are conducted in English and no translation facilities are provided. Participants should have a very good command of the English language. Each course will run from 9.30 am till 4pm for five days.
Interested applicants can apply for one course or for all courses.
Number of Participants: minimum of 12 in each course
NB: Non- Egyptian applicants are strongly encouraged to apply early because it takes more than one month to obtain Egyptian visa.
Dates and Location:
CMRS courses will take place between Sunday 15 of January and 16th of February at the AUC Tahrir Campus in Downtown Cairo. The exact location and room numbers will be forwarded to accepted participants before the start of the courses.
Deadlines for submitting application for all courses are:
• 8 of Dec, 2016
• Deadline for paying course deposit (30% of the course’s fee- 150$) is 15 of Dec, 2016
Application Information:
To apply for the courses:
Fill out the application form. The form is available on CMRS website:
Send the application form to with your most recent C.V; Att. Naseem Hashim
Applicants may apply to and be accepted in more than one course. Please do not hesitate to contact if you have any difficulty with the application process.
Applicants accepted for the course will be notified by email within a week after the deadline for submitting the application.